My daughter Alyse called to make arrangements to come over; I ended up so tired and she had a busy day that we made plans to have dinner Thursday night together. I am suppose to choose a place. Today is Wednesday and I have not come up with any ideas. I was thinking that we should try something new; but then what if we do not like it. Decisions, decisions, I have never been able to make a decision.
On Sunday afternoon we went to my folks to visit for a little while before going down to Salem to have dinner with Mikes folks. We went to their favorite Chinese restaurant, Lum Yens, it was very busy and very noisy. We went back to Mike and Sue's house for dessert. Sue made an angel food cake with whipped cream frosting with crushed butterfingers. I heard it was yummy, I just could not eat another bite of anything.
Monday I received a nice card in the mail from Brian. He indicated that I was welcome to come down to visit again sometime. I sure do miss Emily and would love to hop a plane and go see her. I have to wait for a little while though; Michael says that he gets to go on a vacation first. I know if I pressed the issue he would let me.
I have not shared a picture of Emily with you so I am sending one today. This is not a recent photo but it is my favorite.

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