Friday, March 27, 2009

For those of you who follow my blog, I cannot believe it has been almost three months since I last made an entry; my only "excuse", I have been busy. (Sometimes I wonder if anyone really cares, or reads this blog; my daddy does.) (OK enough with the pity party)

Last weekend I took Friday off and go for a weekend trip to the coast with five other ladies. We try to "get out of Dodge" about two times a year. We had the pleasure of having a "first timer" with us. Deloris you gave us a lot of laughs, I look forward to many more mini vacations with you. (Debbie thanks again for the use of the condo; I never meant what I said about inviting someone new.) I drove down by myself which gave me the opportunity on the way home to stop a couple of times and get a few pictures. I will post them for you later. I am waiting for my friend to send me some of her pictures to post all at once.

The weather was beautiful on Saturday. I spent a good amount of time on the beach at low tide searching for treasures. I found a few. I finally had to get back inside as it was getting colder and the wind picked up. At my age my hips were sore from stooping down for so long, I sure did pay for it Sunday.

This week I have been preparing for an Arbitration. I got 186 pages of exhibits emailed to me at 2:00 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. yesterday, for me to organize and label for a 9:00 a.m. arbitration today. For those of you who do not know the normal process, usually the opposing party prints, labels, divides, etc. the discovery and "snail mails" it several days before. This discovery was requested three months ago. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Well it is over now and the matter is being heard right now.

So there are my two excuses for the past two weeks, do not know what to tell you about the other 7 or 8 weeks but I am sure I could come up with a lot of excuses.

I enjoy looking at all the blogs of others; helps me keep up with some of the news.

Until next blog. . .

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